SIR - I have just finished reading the sad story of the indoor skate park 4th Dimension and its impending closure (Worcester News, October 1). I live in Droitwich and I have been taking my son to learn and be well supervised at what was Rampage and then 4th Dimension.

Although there are other skate parks they are all outdoors and are difficult to supervise. It is sad when so much of our council tax is spent on obscure projects, as is the lottery money, when the Worcester teenagers' hopes are to be dashed. Many of these young people were the first to offer their services free of charge when the floods drastically hit the Worcester area.

Can we not show our support for George and his team to find a resolution that will enable the skate park to stay open?

There will be plenty of people moaning when the boys and girls are pushed back on to the streets with their skateboards, BMX and in-line skates.

I hope the Worcester News joins in with the support needed to ensure that this indoor park stays open.