SIR - I would like to acknowledge the kids in the back of a car I passed on the way home.

Cycling up Rainbow Hill is never easy, especially as the cars tear past.

Recently, I found the traffic was at a standstill but, despite my own dawdling speed, I still managed to pass some of the traffic.

As I passed a particularly shiny blue Mercedes, the kids in the back laughed and waved at me, and as the traffic speeded up a little they waved again each time they passed me.

Their enthusiasm drove me to try to cycle just a little bit faster just to prove that I could cycle up the hill faster than a car could make the same journey. I for one was impressed by my progress from recent novice cyclist to being fast enough to prove a point.

And the point is this: there are still too many cars on the roads when bicycles would do the job better. However old or young, fit or unfit you are, there should be no excuses to getting on your bike.