SIR - Well, it's that time of year again. Our lovely quiet residential Laugherne Road, St John's, Worcester, is now the free car park for university students. If you drive down the road between the hours of 8.45am to 5pm you will see cars parked on both sides of the road which causes obstruction for vehicles trying to drive down, especially buses. You will also see many cars parked over our driveways, not only causing an obstruction but also hampering our views when exiting the driveways. Having just walked down our road, I have seen four cars parked on yellow single lines.

The worrying thing is, with the student numbers set to increase in the very near future, where are they going to park? We contacted the university when a car did actually park almost right across our driveway, but their response was "it's nothing to do with us - call the police". However, surely the university must accept that unless they provide adequate free parking this problem is only going to worsen.

Having already had our cat run over and killed this year, I do worry that next time it could be myself and my two children who could be seriously injured.