SIR - Given the recent serious flooding in south Worcestershire I find it unbelievable that the Government is pressing ahead with plans for massive housing development here.

This area is the most commonly affected by flooding in England because it is where major rivers Severn, Teme and Avon converge.

Mike Foster, after the floods of 2000, told me that the Environment Agency was conducting an 18- month study of flooding in the Severn Valley. As far as I know, nothing happened as a result of this study despite John Prescott at the time saying that those floods should be a "wake up call for everyone".

Radical action needs taking now to keep the effects of future floods to a minimum. Flooding is getting worse due to climate change but also because of over-development and increased run off rates in the Severn Valley.

Where possible the valley should be reverted to rough pasture or woodland, landscapes which are best at naturally retaining water. Arable farming (designed for immediate run off) should be re-located away from the valley.

Any increase in water run off rates would be adding insult to injury for those thousands of people who suffer flood problems.

I can imagine how angry residents of towns south of Worcester will be when they learn of the Government's housing plans for south Worcestershire. Local councillors and MPs need to stand up and be counted.

TIM MYERS, Worcester.