SIR - Looking with complete disdain at the scenes from the New Labour conference, I am reminded of when Blair gave his maiden prime ministerial conference speech. Since he had no track record we could be forgiven for believing his idealisms.

But with Gordon Brown his track record is known.

This oh so prudent chancellor has, on his watch, overseen the sale of our gold reserves, created a schools and hospitals PFI monster that carries public debt commitments for 30 years of billions of pounds, committed us to billions of pounds on Railtrack guarantees, and allowed unchecked the debts of the people to rise to trillions.

Not bad for a man who was voted in as a member of parliament in his Scottish constituency, but was then appointed to positions throughout his career. But since there was no vote for Prime Minister, has he become Prime Minister of Great Britain because he lived next door and above No 10 Downing Street? If this were a TV soap he could well stand accused of career advancement via political squatting.

BRIAN HUNT, Worcester