SIR - I would like to thank former city councillor David Barlow for writing to the Worcester News (Letters, September 22) criticising John Phillpott for praising Cripplegate Park.

Before any readers think that I've changed colours or jumped ship, I will explain. I was going to write to thank John Phillpott for his words, but it became one of those jobs that one never gets around to doing.

We tend to be more motivated to write when annoyed than happy and David Barlow has certainly annoyed me with his slur on our park.

How dare he say that Cripplegate "struggles to be third rate". When did David last visit the park? Fifteen years ago when he wanted to build a supermarket on it?

Has he been in since our Hardy and Padmore fountain was restored to its former glory?

As councillor for the area, I am proud of the part I played to save the park from development.

And I am extremely proud of all the hard work that the park's supporters continue to do.

Many events are staged throughout the year, including a Celebration of Spring, bowls tournaments, band concerts, tai chi, walks, a flower and vegetable show, grab a geranium and tree dressing.

Every summer, C & T, a professional theatre company, works with youngsters in the park and they go on to perform at the university. Third rate park indeed.

MARGARET LAYLAND, Councillor for St John's.