SIR - I found the headline on the front page of the Worcester News (September 21) in which the county council states We'll borrow £15 million to mend roads', to be extremely ironic for was it not Councillor George Lord, the leader of the Tory county council, who recently said if the county council and the city council joined up to form a unitary authority it would save an expenditure of £15 million? But his suggestion was rejected by his own party.

Failure to agree with Coun Lord has now resulted in the county council having to borrow such a large sum of money, whereas the cost of repair to the neglected state of our roads could have been paid for through the saving of the £15 million under a unitary authority. Of course, the end result of it all is that the tax payer will have to foot the cost of the borrowed amount.

REG PRICE, Worcester