SIR - State pensions are, of course, supposedly raised in line with the cost of living index, when they should be increased in line with the wages index.

In fact, the so-called cost of living is a farce and a fraud. The real increase in the cost of living is always far higher. Thus, pensioners lag further and further behind, which is scandalous. Now workers in the public sector are also to be tied to this spurious cost of living index. However, for the financiers, chairmen and chief executives of the City of London companies, the sky's the limit!

Locally when the post pffice in Foregate Street is transferred to WHSmith's, it would seem that the High Street store will recruit its own staff.

No doubt such staff will receive shop wages - i.e. probably the national minimum wage.

Alas it has to be conceded that, from a harsh economic point of view, all this does give the UK an edge over France, Germany, Russia, USA, Japan and so on.

Thus, UK growth' is achieved. However, socially, such policies are disastrous.

D E MARGRETT, Worcester.