SIR - Following the terrible floods, I wanted to inform your readers of the way in which two members of staff from the Nightingale pub on Evesham Road in Egdon went beyond the call of duty. James Milner and his colleague Laura came to our rescue when we became stranded.

When we tried to return home to Tewkesbury every road we tried had become impassable. After five hours of trying, the prospect of spending the night in the car looked like the only option.

It was made more concerning by the fact that we had our nine-month-old baby with us.

Luckily we were with several other car drivers who had found themselves in the same position.

Soon everyone rallied round and we were all able to clamber over two fences, a field of cows and arrive safely, if but a little wetter, at the Nightingale.

James and Laura could never have foreseen what would happen that night but handled it both professionally and with empathy, making sure everyone was comfortable and had a most welcome hot coffee!

The emergency services were even able to get the special milk that our baby, who was born five weeks premature, requires.

I know that we, and all the other stranded people that night, will never forget the kindness and caring that was shown.