SIR - A car-driving friend recently told me a compelling story about a dilemma that arose as she was driving round Worcester.

It is not meant as a moralistic tale to prove that cyclists are better than motorists, but to highlight a problem within today's busy high-tech high-speed lifestyle.

A lady of undetermined age was standing on the central concrete island that runs along the centre of the road bridge across the river Severn in Worcester.

This is not a safe place to stand with cars rushing past at something resembling the speed limit on either side of her.

As the driver watched the unfortunate pedestrian she noticed that that the lady appeared unbalanced on her feet and was swaying dangerously towards the passing traffic.

With nowhere to stop safely without either hindering other traffic or endangering herself, my friend could only drive past, checking her rear view mirror to make sure the pedestrian was OK and noticed that a passing cyclist had rushed to her aid. We all hope the lady is OK and thank the Good Samaritan if he was able to help but we wondered what the driver should have practicably done as she drove past?