SIR - Credit where it's due - and every little helps, as they say, so the latest Lib-Dem proposals on getting us to "save the planet" are to be warmly welcomed.

So are the efforts of many European and Scandinavian countries, which are also making big efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

However, a couple of things are bothering me.

Firstly, I am not altogether totally convinced it is man who is completely to blame for climate change, especially in the light of recent reports from an American University that state "it is mainly a regular, cyclical, climate change for our planet. Other planets are warming up as well."

Secondly, even leaving America and India out of it, our strenuous (but puny) efforts pale into insignificance when put alongside the fact that China is currently commissioning and starting up two coal-fired power stations every week!

A fair analogy would be to say "we are emptying the ocean with a teaspoon, while China is still filling it with a hosepipe"!

Sort that out - and I'm with you all the way!