SIR - Staff at Bransford Ambulance Control Centre are enormously grateful to the Worcester News team for the coverage given to its proposed closure.

The Worcester News team has done its utmost to keep residents informed, and allowed both sides to state their respective cases.

What more could anyone ask of an independent local newspaper?

Thank you also to the 2,000-plus readers who signed the petition and all those who've commented on the articles in the Worcester News, setting up a lively dialogue.

What has become apparent during the three months' public consultation is that people who took a mild interest at the start, very soon became outraged.

It's the word that has appeared again and again.

The public will be even more outraged now it has been confirmed by trust board representatives that the technological upgrades to Brierley Hill and Stafford cannot take place without capital realised from the sale of Bransford and part sale of Shrewsbury ambulance controls.

Whatever the outcome of the public consultation, every opportunity has been taken to keep the public informed.

There's still until October 1 for people to have their views taken into account in the decision-making process. So if you haven't done so already, voice your opinion now, before it's too late.

LIZ KABANI and all in control