SIR - I cannot believe that schoolgirl Jenna Hewlett has been asked not to attend school due to the colour of her hair. It would be different if it was bright pink and stuck up everywhere.

What do the uniform guidelines say about the length of skirts and make-up? When it was warmer half the girls looked like they were going out nightclubbing rather than to school with their make-up all done and their short skirts. I think that's more distracting .

The school needs to look at the behaviour of its pupils more than the colour of their hair. If they are not smoking outside the school gate they are using foul language outside the primary school, or, as I witnessed last term, a young girl from Christopher Whitehead bumped into an elderly man and then called him a silly old man.

I say pay more attention to things like this rather than stopping a girl who wants to go to school from going because of a few blonde streaks A ROBERTS, St John's, Worcester.