SIR - Two items in the Worcester News, September 17, caught my eye. The Health Service has an early intervention to help people aged between 14-35. What about people in their 60s?

Also, mental health is the Cinderella of the Health Service. I understand only eight per cent of the money is spent on it.

We all say thank goodness that places like Powick are closed, but what has happened is that the care has been transferred in to the hands of the ill persons' partners who are not qualified to look after their loved ones. Carers get from the Government a grand total of £34.20 a week, the money really is of no consequence, as it is such a small amount, but the saving to the Health Service on care is huge.

What happens is that as they get older, the carer gives all their energy to looking after the loved one and then the country has two ill people to look after.

Mental health has got to come out of the cupboard, and be given a great big boost before it is too late.