SIR - A recent article (Worcester News, June 15) quoted Steve Dawson, manager of the Old Cock Inn, Droitwich, saying: "No one has turned and walked back out because we are non-smoking."

Not true - I and at least nine former regulars of the Cock all did so. During the first week of Mr Dawson's management a board outside announced his pub was smoke-free with exception of a small area set aside for smokers.

We all went in on different occasions and politely asked staff where to smoke, and were very curtly told: "If you want to smoke go and stand out in the street."

We did as ordered, about turned and went out - across that street to the Hop Pole opposite, where everyone has been made very welcome by a landlord who has installed proper outside smoking facilities.

If Mr Dawson built a smoking gazebo and had not acted as a pre-ban vigilante, he might have our trade.

Mark R Heel, Droitwich.