SIR - I read with utter disgust and foreboding. that the Heart of England board, based in Worcester, is to be closed by some jobsworths who operate from the third-rate quango Advantage West Midlands, which has withdrawn funding.

This in turn throws 20 jobs on the scrapheap. I read that another quango, a so-called strategic tourism body by the name of Tourism West Midlands - based in, of all places, Birmingham - will do the work instead.

Local councillor Mike Layland was recently quoted as saying, "The British were sleep walking in a dream world." Well speaking as a Englishman who is not dreaming, this all smells of underhanded politics.

The next move likely see the regional assemblies appear to replace Tourism West Midlands and the spread of the foreboding EU cancer will go on.

Now all you local councillors had better make hay while the sun shines because you're all next for the chop.

The EU won't be bothered with little people such as you. It has already filled the places in the regional assemblies.

J C Butterfield, Worcester.