SIR - I was surprised and rather saddened to see the Rt Rev Dr Peter Selby involving himself in a march to commemorate the abolition of slavery.

Why? As the leader of our local English Protestant Church, his high-profile protests would be far better employed in defending our own Church of England, which is rapidly being eroded and superseded by visitors to these lands with their alien and different religions.

I am well aware that English and history are no longer taught in our schools, but slavery happened 200 years ago and there's nothing we can do about that.

If Dr Selby really wants to bring the church forward again and into the national spotlight with a bang, may I suggest he and all his senior colleagues organise a protest about the next generation of slaves - our children, who will be totally beholden to the EU in all ways.

Their lives will not in any way be free, as we know it today. As Bishop Peter is well aware, chaining the mind is far more cruel.

Stanley D Parr, Pershore.