SIR - I have just received a bizarre document issued on behalf of Worcester City Council and the district councils of Malvern Hills and Wychavon.

This document purports to be interested in my views on possible locations for an unspecified number of new houses to be built between 2010 and 2026.

In reality, it seems to be more interested in asking about you: about your gender, your age, your ethnic origin, your economic status, where you work and your name and address.

On the matter of age they hope to hear from those aged between 0-9 years and they are keenly interested in identifying the views of three age groups spanning four-year periods between 10-14 years, 15-19 years and 60-64 years.

Finally there is the sinister statement: "The information submitted will be open to public viewing but only for purposes of consultation and will not be sold to companies." What does that mean?

I urge everyone not to return this ridiculous questionnaire and I ask councillors to investigate this unacceptable waste of public money.

Alistair Macmillan