SIR - I feel the authorities must get a grip on their over-reaction to surmountable problems.

Yesterday I witnessed chaos caused by the closure of the road to Powick. The left-hand side of the road was clear of water and the right only partially covered.

With some intelligent planning the road was more than passable. Imminent deluge was not threatened. Indeed, local folk were walking down to view the traffic piling up in a dangerous manner with nowhere to go.

Two policemen armed with a map were guarding the road; what a waste of valuable resources.

People were giving up and going home having been told the only route to Malvern was via the M5, M50 and back through Ledbury. Yet a further waste of resources!

Authorities - get a grip! Coupled with the unawareness of recent rain and the apparent need not to put up the flood barriers at Hylton Road (which then flooded) I think someone needs to review their job description!

Let common sense prevail please and let us not over-react. By all means be safe but we do not need to put life on hold because of a little local flooding.

Susan Amos, Worcester.