SIR - Richard Bird (Letters, June 11) alleges that councillors did not object to the plan to redesign the Bilford Road recycling centre.

Some of us have long campaigned against Worcester's principal household waste site being located on a busy road in a residential area.

We believed that we were close to success when, in September 2000, Worcestershire County Council rejected the planning application submitted by Mercia Waste Management to redesign the site.

The company appealed and, following a public inquiry in 2001, the county council's decision was overturned by a Government inspector, despite the efforts of local residents and councillors.

Concerns about road safety and queuing on the highway were dismissed by the inspector in his report, even though an accident occurred at the entrance to the site while he was visiting it.

The campaign to have the waste site relocated has never ceased, but in the short term the operators need to find ways of accommodating more vehicles within the site and speeding their movement through it.