SIR - Having read an article on how well our Worcester NHS Trust is doing regarding its fight against MRSA and C diff (Worcester News, June 11), I feel I have to warn people of the danger involved in becoming ill.

Four of my friends' elderly parents were unfortunate enough to need long-term hospital treatment for more than two months. Of the four who went in, one escaped with no complications, three contracted MRSA and C diff and two also ended up with septicaemia.

Two eventually died, with stroke listed as the cause of death.

My friends had a great deal of trouble getting any of the above infections listed as a contributory factor to be put onto the death certificate.

I am sure the staff are doing their best, but from what I have been told there are not enough of them to offer the care I am sure they would like to provide.

I think it's about time we all demanded a health service that can deliver what we need; perhaps it's about time we employed managers who don't have to answer to Government and who will have the guts to tell it as it is.

MR M HUMPHRIES, Worcester.