SIR - Regarding the story Coffee shop given permission to trade' (Worcester News, June 15) about the granting of retrospective planning permission to Cafe Nero in the Shambles, Worcester.

I was under the impression that councillors were voted into office to represent the citizens in their community and implement legislation and policy where appropriate.

What has happened here is unforgivable. The council has bowed to a national coffee house chain with financial clout and scant regard for local planning policy.

It is a paper tiger - unable or unwilling to stand for what is legally right and fair and giving a clear message that it will support law breakers over law-abiding citizens.

Mr Yeomans must feel totally betrayed and rightly so. Any respect for the councillors who voted this through must be dented and there is not much to be admired in the others who let it happen.

Hardly surprising that voters are apathetic.

MRS H THOMSON, Worcester.