SIR - The private sector provider Partnerships In Care has applied for a change-of-use of Sherborne Tower in Malvern Wells to a residential unit for people with mental health problems.

I have written to the chief executive of the Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, Dr Ros Keeton, posing two important questions on this issue.

First, does this trust which has responsibility for the care of such patients, believe that it is any longer best practice in mental healthcare to house patients with mental health problems in a very rural location, nowhere near the various kinds of services that would be helpful and normal for them to be able to access?

Second, if Sherborne Tower is to be offered by this company for this purpose, will it be this trust's policy that patients for whom it is responsible be referred there for short or long-term residential care? I await a reply.

WENDY HANDS, Upton upon Severn