SIR - It is hard to understand John Shearon's belief (Worcester News, June 5) that ID cards will stop illegal immigrants using UK public services.

Every ID document that has previously been tried has been rapidly undermined either by forgery or by official corruption.

Moreover, anyone who believes the claims that it will be different this time can only have failed to notice the Government's abysmal record in delivering IT projects of the kind on which ID cards depend.

The Government's 10-year cost estimate, currently £5.4 billion, is growing by 20 per cent per year. Yet, despite this huge and rapidly growing cost, ID cards won't be widely distributed before 2012 at the earliest and could not have any significant impact before then, even if they were effective.

Meanwhile, illegal immigration will continue unchecked for five or more years because those who are supposed to counter it are desperately short of resources.

Spending just a quarter of the £5.4 billion on 3,000 extra police officers could have a far more effective and timely impact on the problem.

BRIAN GLADMAN, St John's, Worcester.