SIR - If I may take a small space in your paper to reply to a Mr Hinton, who (Letters, June 15) seemed to take some joy in berating un-disciplined National Service men.

I would like to point out to him that it was un-disciplined moaning conscripts such as these who dropped at Arnhem, conscripts who crossed the Rhine. I'm told they did a fine job in the Middle East and Far East.

Quite a number of these conscripts didn't return from the war and still lie in Korea, Aden and the Yemen. I also believe there were some on a boat up a river with out a paddle somewhere in China.

So Mr Hinton, before you take joy in besmirching a type of serviceman, remember the old saying, Amateurs built and sailed the Ark, professionals built and sailed the Titanic'.

JC Butterfield, Worcester.