SIR - Oh dear, Philip Bushill-Matthews (Letters, June 13). Isn't it about time you and your party started to tell the truth and admit Brussels make the laws which govern this country, and our puppet Government merely implements them?

Yes, we started metrication in the late 60s in line with other EU countries, then of course promoted as the European Community, a simple trading agreement between member nations.

However, the UK implemented EU directive 80/181 in 1994 changing imperial weights and measurers to metric.

Then there was the weights and measurers (metrication amendments) regulations 2001, making it a criminal offence from 2009 to even mention imperial measurements in trade, public health, public safety and administrative purposes.

This demolishes the claim of supporters of the European Union that the EU does not interfere in the British way of life.

What could be more intrusive than legislating to prevent one Briton selling another Briton a pound of fruit?

Tony Eaves, Martin Hussingtree