SIR - I have recently been reading in the Worcester News how Powick residents are concerned about drivers speeding through their village.

This problem was actually demonstrated to me by a driver on Saturday afternoon.

I was following several cars travelling towards Malvern. We went through the 30mph and into the 40mph zone. Then, suddenly, the car that was second in the queue, decided that 40mph was too slow for him, so he overtook the lead car and sped off towards the lights.

In carrying out this manoeuvre he not only broke the 40mph limit, but overtook on a stretch of road where there is a continuous white line in the centre - meaning no overtaking is allowed.

I wondered why this person could possible be in such a hurry - could there perhaps be an emergency he was rushing to which made him totally disregard the highway code?

We got to the lights, where the car that had overtaken was also waiting. The lights changed to green and the car turned left. I followed and saw the car go into a road in a new housing estate, where the driver parked outside a house and casually walked into the property.

This driver had saved about 30 seconds by carrying out this illegal manoeuvre. He had risked other people's lives.

This Powick resident had set a very bad example to others of how not to drive through their village. What an airhead!

MISS E HUSSEY, Worcester