SIR - I was very pleased to see a recent letter from Joe Moran, Did Elgar drive a train for a living?' (May 28), suggesting that a celebration of Elgar's music in this undulating county that inspired him would be a suitable event to commemorate the great man's birth, rather than a train journey.

Coincidentally, I have organised a performance of Elgar's Sea Pictures and other songs at the magnificent gilded Witley church on July 21 at 7pm.

The international mezzo-soprano Alexandra Sherman will sing a recital of English songs, accompanied by Christopher Glynn on piano.

I am sure Mr Moran is aware that Elgar's father is said to have tuned the piano at Witley Court.

Mr Moran seems to disapprove of Britain's much-loved heritage steam railways because they emit CO2 into the atmosphere.

Conservative proposals for a proper market-based price for emitting carbon will allow paying heritage steam railway customers to factor this cost into the price of the ticket.

I am sure many people will still enjoy this wonderful part of our railway heritage.

Harriett Baldwin, Shelsley Beauchamp.