Sir - While agreeing with Mike Layland (Worcester News, June 9), I would add that nationally 2.4 million people signed petitions against post office closures - closures which are totally the actions of the present Government.

During the meeting at the Guildhall on June 6, New Labour councillors took a rare but welcome opportunity to offer opposition to their Government's actions.

Craig Tuthill, the attending Post Office senior manager, quite clearly said that a business decision had already been taken over the Crown post office re-siting to WHSmith and therefore was not up for debate, also that the numbers of post office closures were not the directive of the post office.

Is this yet another example of the lack of democracy within New Labour, following in the footsteps of Gordon Brown's forthcoming appointment as Prime Minister - an appointment not democratically put to the remaining 200,000 plus Labour party members or even the Labour MPs?

Brian Hunt, Worcester.