SIR – Question. What does the UK have in common with Greece and Portugal?

Answer: We are the only OECD countries that have seen real wages for working people fall since 2007.

In the UK this fall has seen our wages drop by 10.4 per cent compared to Germany which rose by 14 per cent. Even Poland has seen real wages rise by 23 per cent in the period 2007 to 2015.

This is the damning economic picture for working people in times of austerity as perpetuated by a Tory Government as wealth inequality grows and the top one per cent, who this year could be set to own more than the 99 per cent rest of us put together, feather their own nest and take advantage of tax havens. Yes, we really are now on a par with Greece and Portugal and we know what happened to Greece.

The working class in this country are being exploited and abused by big business with a prospect of more to come post Brexit.

Despite what the new PM Theresa May seemingly says about rejecting austerity and talk of one nation, the truth is very different. Like her Tory colleagues, including our own Tory MP Mark Garnier, she has voted for every welfare cut, every public services cut, and every employment right degradation.

So, just ask yourself why would things change post Brexit now that the Tories are unrestrained by EU employment protection directives?

I’d urge you to really ‘take back control’ and reject austerity and look to vote in future for the only party that has put workers pay and rights at the centre of its agenda.

This is the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn. Reject the spin of the media and forces railed against him because it should tell you the Westminster elite are worried by him because their cosy little club is being shattered and it’s why they demonise him.

So as far as I can see, he is the only party leader offering an honest refreshing alternative to the depressing narrative of austerity.

If the referendum showed us anything, it’s that the people have had enough of big politics and are on a journey of change. I welcome that.

Stephen Brown
