Sir - AS a Worcester City Councillor for Nunnery ward, and as a health visitor and family nurse, I am very concerned at the proposed changes to Children’s Centre provision.

One such centre that will be affected lies within my ward.

These changes are as a result of funding reductions and I am fearful, that with such a loss in income, there will be a reduction in service provision.

Marc Bayliss, Tory cabinet member for Children and Families, and his colleagues have chosen to make cuts of one third to children’s services.

Children’s Centres play a key role in supporting children and families.

In addition to providing early years education, their key purpose is to improve health and social outcomes for young children.   They provide a vital source of support in areas such as breastfeeding, postnatal depression, parenting support, tackling childhood obesity, and helping to prepare children for school.

Reducing funding to Children’s Centres does not make economic sense.

It is well documented that investment in the early years is cost effective as it prevents many problems later in the child’s life.

It is difficult to see how current service provision will be maintained with such savage cuts to budget.

It is vital the full Sure Start offer is maintained at all children’s centres and not rationed between the centres.

Parents need to be able to engage with and access the centres and having local service provision is essential. Many families with young children are unable to travel longer distances.

Our children are our future.

We should not be reducing the very services that enable children to reach their full potential.

It is time to say a resounding “ no “ to any further cuts.

Councillor Tracey Biggs

Nunnery Worcester