SIR – I am indebted to the staff at The Talbot, Barbourne Road, Worcester, when my partner and I called for an evening meal on Wednesday, July 20.

We had just returned from a Saga clockwise cruise from Dover round Britain,but unfortunately we were delayed considerably by two diversions for road accidents near Stratford where, another passenger resided, and then on to Kidderminster, before we eventually arrived back in Worcester. Consequently our journey lasted about six hours, so we decided to have an evening meal at The Talbot (just round the corner) in Barbourne Road,Worcester.

After the usual high service on the Saga ship, it was disappointing to find that I was being troubled by weak legs, but after ordering a meal we settled down to enjoy a drink before the food was due. Unfortunately my troubles worsened and feeling sick, I suffered a short blackout when the very kind and efficient staff attended me expertly until the paramedics arrived. Eventually I was taken home in the ambulance after I promised to call my doctor next day. Luckily my trouble was diagnosed as a urine infection so I can look forward to a quick recovery.

As expected, I couldn’t have been in better hands when the ambulance arrived, but I would like to thank the Talbot staff who went out of their way to make me as comfortable as possible. We may live in a world where more often that not, people are in so much of a hurry that they only think of themselves; so it was very good to find such Good Samaritans at The Talbot.

Phil Pegler


Mental health should be key

SIR – I have heard talk recently with great concern that the Worcestershire Health Trust (or whoever now manages our health services now) has plans to cut mental health services i.e. the specialist unit at Newtown Hospital and what now remains of the only acute ward out of the original three. I understand the cunning plan is to send patients to Staffordshire.

One might enquire where Staffordshire patients will be sent if Worcestershire patients take up so many of their places? Yorkshire perhaps?

Our MP Harriett Baldwin is most intent on securing a roundabout at Ripple, Upton. I fear I would not be alone in prioritising the county’s withering mental health services over roadworks. Prime Minister May hopes the Tories will no longer be regarded as the “nasty party” – particularly post-Brexit. We Brits have spoken over rule from European bureaucrats; do let us care for all our citizens in the manner we all deserve.

Wendy Hands


Leaflet was propaganda

SIR – Political misdemeanours are quickly forgotten, and/or swept under the carpet, but let us not forget that in the build-up to the EU referendum, the Remain group put their hands firmly into the Treasury till and extracted £9 million.

This money was used to produce a leaflet which, in spite of claiming to be informative, was in fact blatant one-sided propaganda.

The result proved that it was obviously money wasted.

Surely someone must be held accountable for such a misuse of public funds?

If this was a commercial matter a company director would have to re-mortgage their property to keep out of jail.

GB Dipper
