SIR - I think it is highly unlikely that recycling targets will be met in Worcester.

Has anyone tried to use the newly designed, expanded, redeveloped Bilford Road recycling centre?

Nice design - built to be accessed on a bend on a main commuter thoroughfare where you have to reverse in at an angle waiting for the previous recycler to be guided out. There are queues stretching up the Bilford Road - making motorists think they are merely in a traffic build-up when they are actually in a line waiting to get in.

Cars turning right block all the movement from the roundabout, and so on.

People living nearby must be irate and frustrated that all their objections were ignored and their predictions are coming true.

Why not have just a little bit of common sense at County Hall?

Why did the councillors not object? So, no targets will be met because you can't get in!

Richard Bird, Worcester.