SIR - Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy doing my bit for recycling and going to the Lower Moor tip once a week with my grass cuttings and odd rubbish.

The place is well organised and the staff very helpful. So why, oh why, have they decided to put speed humps on the approach road for cars?

They very efficiently shake all the small loose nails, screws and sharp items from the bottoms of trailers and vans going over them - all ready for me to drive over and get a puncture!

The staff assure me that "we do sweep up, sir, but if you get a puncture, send us the bill and the council will pay" - but that's not the point.

First, I have to prove it was one of their nails and second, I don't want the hassle and third, it's my money in the first place.

Perhaps, somebody could explain to me the logic in this apparent stupidity and lack of common sense?

Do they want us to visit the tip or don't they?

Stanley D Parr, Pershore.