SIR - In reply to your article Councillors want reprieve for pre-school that is costing £10,000 a child' (Worcester News, May 24).

The number of nursery-age children in the school is five and not three, as stated. The current cost per child is, therefore, about £6,000.

It will be of interest for you to know that an open day held at the nursery has meant that there are 10 children enrolled for the beginning of September.

This will mean the cost per child falling to about £3,000. It is of further interest to note that some of the parents who enrolled children had not done so before because they were under the impression that the school had already been closed.

Once the nursery is known by the local population to be safe, the hope must be that even more children will be enrolled.

Whilst one must agree with Councillor Liz Eyre's concerns about the social welfare of nursery-age children, her statements show that she has neither visited the school nor contacted it to check how and where the nursery children are taught.

They are not in isolation but taught within an open plan area alongside the reception and key stage one children - social interaction is taken care of very effectively.

The current headteacher and his staff not only brought the school out of special measures in double quick time, but received the appellation of being a good school when a member of Her Majesty's Inspectorate inspected the school and brought it out of special measures.

ERIC STEED, Governor, Holt Heath.