SIR - Once again I feel that the good people of Worcester are being fed a line. On May 18, the Worcester News ran a number of articles relating to anti-social behaviour and what is being done to try to reduce it.

I was bewildered by the double message in the article One in four Asbo yobs continue to break law' when, on further reading, Sergeant Allen said that if the terms of the Asbo were not adhered to the offender would go to prison.

Statistics revealed that 11 of the 42 Asbos made were breached on more than one occasion with two breached more than five times. This must mean that the law-abiding citizens of our city are being let down by the next stage of the process as the offenders are not all sent to jail. Is it, I wonder, because our prisons are full that the blight on society that is called anti-social behaviour is just left to continue because, in truth, Asbos really have no teeth?

Asbos will surely only work if the whole process is carried through. This would appear not to be the case, which is why they are just seen as a badge to wear rather than as a real deterrent.

My feeling is that the police and other partnership agencies are carrying out their part of the process but they are being let down by magistrates who are unable or unwilling to carry through the next part of the process.

B McKeown, Kempsey.