SIR - We read that everything is the fault of the EU. Mr Alcock kindly informed us (Letters, May 26) any lost business in Worcester was the fault of the EU. S Murphy (Letters, May 22) let us know that any break up of the UK was due to the EU. I could go on and on...

However, turning to reality for a minute, let us be reminded of some of the things that Britain's membership of this union has brought to the people of this island: safer and cheaper flights, student exchange programmes, the single market, protection of intellectual property, peace with our hinterland across the Channel, regional funds, cheaper and better phone calls, consumer protection, a healthier population, equal opportunities, stronger external trade against giants such as the US, China and India, increased personal rights and protections and a greater voice in the world - just to name a few!

Needless to say, though, that the rain running down the windows as I write this letter - and all other ills - will continue to be blamed on the EU by Messrs Alcock, Murphy and their like minded faux-patriots.

Joe Moran, Droitwich