SIR - I was interested to learn of Conservative parliamentary candidate for West Worcestershire Harriet Baldwin's support for a steam train to run from London to Malvern, via Worcester, to mark the birth of that famous Vigornian, Sir Edward Elgar.

Indeed, while the anniversary of England's most famous composer should be given due prominence, I fail to see how such a jaunt would do anything to commemorate the great man's birth.

I would have thought that a celebration of Elgar's music in this undulating county that inspired him so much would be far more appropriate than causing further problems to an already unsatisfactory rail service.

Unless Sir Edward was a part-time train-driver on this route, could Mrs Baldwin perhaps enlighten us as to the purpose of this idea? Besides, I was under the impression that these days the Conservative Party was dressing itself up to be a green party, rather than favouring schemes that would unnecessarily pump volumes of CO2 into our atmosphere.

Joe Moran, Droitwich.