SIR - Is it any wonder that many readers of the Worcester News vote with their feet at election times when MPs do things such as exempting themselves from the Freedom of Information Act?

Who do they think they are? They are paid by us to act in our best interests. We want to know how our money is spent. Some of them are saying that their expenses will still be published. So why change the Act?

Their excuses are a load of piffle and remind me of the saying, the more he protested his innocence the tighter I held my wallet'. That both parties should collude on this matter is hardly surprising given the state of politics.

This in the week that I heard Gordon Brown say he wished to restore people's faith in politicians. You must be joking, Gordon.

It is about time the voters of both the city and county of Worcester kicked both parties out and voted for an independent candidate as they did in Wyre Forest.

Terry James, Worcester.