SIR - I welcome the intervention of Councillor Jo Hodges regarding Elgar Technology College and its Ofsted inspection (Letters, May 15).

Her letter confirms she and Coun John Buckley agree with chairman of governors Gill Hellings and me that the majority of pupils are well behaved and want to do well - just as it says in the report.

In doing so, she had a little swipe at me. I can take that since I believe that she has the well-being of the pupils at heart and I am more concerned with their damaged reputation than my sensitivities.

However, if anyone is still confused about whether the school let the pupils down or vice-versa I ask them to read the report on the Department for Education and Skills website for absolute proof.

Sadly, John will not let his overview and scrutiny team look into the way the notice to improve was handled. So there is little more I can do, except wish the school success in its recovery and thank those who have encouraged me in my efforts to put the record straight.

Coun Andy Roberts, Warndon Villages, Worcester.