SIR - I am annoyed that we must still purchase a high proportion of our weekly supermarket shop in totally unnecessary and often non-recyclable packaging, despite claims from the major names that the problem is starting to be addressed.

I support recycling, so object to having to take this home for disposal in my black wheelie bin - especially considering the new pay-as-you-throw legislation, along with the bin spy' sensor and the rubbish police who may soon be snooping through our non-recyclable waste.

The apparent criminalisation of ordinary people who are struggling to do their best, while huge multi-million pound companies continue in this irresponsible way is wrong.

An effective protest, I think, would be for us all to unwrap things before going home and leave it for the shop to dispose of.

If enough people did this, say, each Saturday morning, the check-outs would soon be swamped.

Although we would still have to take some of the packaging home - you can't carry yogurt home in a paper bag!

Anyone game?

Ann St Dunstan, Worcester.