SIR - Is there a diabolical plot to destroy Worcester?

We have had the historic Royal Porcelain pull out from the city. That establishment was both industry and a tourist attraction. Reality, formerly Kays, has gone, after being founded in Worcester and being here for 200 years. Also Sainsbury's branch in Cathedral Plaza, so convenient to many, has closed down, apparently because faceless people were making Machiavellian rent demands.

Now the post office in Foregate Street is to be eliminated. It matters not that, after so many sub branch post offices have been closed in the city, the main post office is desperately needed. The new venue is to be WH Smith. I visit the city centre newsagents quite frequently. I cannot envisage a decent post office being squeezed into such a confined space.

Apparently the rape of Worcester which took place in the 1960s is being repeated. There is never any regard for history and tradition.

Furthermore industry generally has almost disappeared from this Faithful City. This process started in 1963 with the departure of Alley and Maclellan's for Kilmarnock. Kilmarnock was one of Harold Wilson's favourite areas, while Worcester was not. It was said at the time that a grand new factory for the value producers was built in the Scottish town, partly at the expense of Worcester taxpayers!

All these Worcester disasters are due ultimately to insufficient regulation of capitalism within the community and Government collusion, irrespective of the party in power. Alas it would appear that the aims of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have always been to emulate Margaret Thatcher ultimately.

Surely a main post office is one of those institutions which distinguishes a full-blown town or small city from a glorified village.

In truth the Faithful City has deteriorated. It is now scarcely more than a dormitory for all the surrounding towns.

D E MARGRETT, Worcester.