SIR - Mr Foster, MP for Worcester, commented on the vast sum of £24,000 spent on a new logo for the council (Worcester News, May 12).

He is reported as saying "This is such a waste of money it really frightens me - it drives me up the wall."

If this amount frightens him, how does he think the taxpayers of this county feel about the vast amount of money wasted by this Government over the last 10 years?

Billions of pounds are being poured out on the continuation of warfare without an end in sight in Iraq and Afghanistan; 400 per cent over budget on the Scottish Parliament building; more than £10 million on incomplete and unsuccessful computer schemes; £6 billion in wrongly paid tax credits; fines for DEFRA for the late payment of farmers grants and many more examples of wasted money from not fit for purpose' Government departments.

Many taxpayers feel frustrated enough not just to be driven up the wall, but with a desire to jump clean over it - it cannot be worse on the other side.

C C Vyvyan-Robinson, Himbleton, Droitwich.