SIR - As the owners of the property featured on the front page when a car hit our house (Worcester News, May 11), we would like to thank friends and neighbours for their kindness and support.

We commend the emergency services for their swift and efficient response.

Also to thanks to Councillor Tom Wells for his continuing effort on our and the community's behalf. We were pleased to read in your report that this has prompted the council to inspect the road again but are dismayed to find that you say this may only result in further signs being erected.

Surely the council realises that it will require more than this to stop the multitude of accidents occurring on this section of road. Most happen within 30 minutes after the onset of rainfall.

A mandatory 30mph speed limit must replace of the existing national speed limit on the approach to both Old Hills bends, also anti-skid surfacing on the hill would indicate the sharpness of the turns and prevent drivers losing control of their vehicles under adverse conditions.

It will take many months and thousands of pounds to repair the damage to our property.

Our plea to the authorities is to take action now before more carnage and the inevitable fatalities happen.

Mr & Mrs Court, Callow, Worcester.