SIR - Although John Buckley (Letters, May 1) is right to expose Councillor Liz Eyre's failings, he conveniently forgets (or maybe isn't aware) that Worcestershire County Council dropped Chrissies pupil admission number from 1,350 to 1,200 in April 2005, with no debate or consultation.

This gave the Christopher Whitehead Languages College management an excellent means of limiting the number of undesirables' entering the school. And given that Nunnery Wood is oversubscribed, the burden over the last two years has fallen squarely on Elgar's shoulders. It shouldn't be surprising that Tony James and his staff might have become a little disillusioned - especially when a similar request for an admissions number reduction at Elgar in 2006 was flatly refused.

Incidentally, the reason given for the reduction in 2005 was a surplus of secondary places in Worcester. But why give Chrissies all the benefit? And what of Allan Foulds' ridiculous claims in 2001 that Chrissies "has to move" because there would be a shortage of secondary places in Worcester in, yes, you guessed, 2005?

Paul Saunders, Denmark.