SIR - Of course it is dangerous to jump, dive, fall or swim in the Severn (Worcester News, April 24).

It is equally dangerous to assume that someone who has learned to swim in the static water of a pool will be capable of saving themselves or others should the situation arise.

Years ago this was officially recognised and swimming facilities together with expert instruction was available in the Severn at Worcester.

One did not dive or jump in because one could not tell what lay below the surface, one knew better than to try fighting against or across a current - because that rapidly leads to exhaustion and drowning often results.

Those of us who regularly used the facility knew how to ride a current in a downstream direction gradually easing into the safety of shallower water Learning to anticipate and avoid potential hazards was the forte of the old-time river swimmers but even we encountered some unexpected surprises.

Being attacked by a rogue swan and on another occasion being impaled and entangled in discarded angler's hook and line were among mine.

John Hinton, Worcester.