SIR - I note Councillor Buckley's recent comments concerning pupil admission numbers at Elgar and Christopher Whitehead schools (Worcester News, March 31 and May 1).

I find neither letter helpful to the well-being of either school, which is my priority.

Parents should be reassured that the headteacher's prime responsibility is for the safe learning environment of their pupils.

Both schools are safe and healthy environments. Coun Buckley's letters create an unfair view in the public's minds about these two schools and the many hardworking, successful students who attend them.

My letter (April 20), clearly only referring to Elgar, identified that officers had no evidence of the dumping of difficult youngsters at Elgar in the past two years.

I have repeatedly asked the scrutiny committee for real evidence as, having been advised that there was no such practice at this school, I would be concerned if this had been the case.

I have also offered to meet the headteacher of Christopher Whitehead and chairman of governors to follow up their concerns.

Every child does matter. Good schools within the community are important to me. I shall continue to support all schools in Worcester equally and ensure all unhelpful practices are investigated.

Coun Hodges and Coun Buckley are always welcome to spend quality time with me and my officers following up on any specific issues where they have evidence to support their statements rather than debate them in the newspaper, causing unnecessary concerns at this time.

Coun Liz Eyre, Cabinet member for children and young people, Worcester City Council.