SIR - I was over the moon to read that Rev’d David Southall’s “Good News” blog has won a national award in the innovation category at the Healthcare People Management Association in Human Resources Management Awards.

If anyone deserves to win such an accolade, it is David. I first got to know him when I read about his blog in the Worcester News last July when I was pregnant with my son Francesco “Frankie Enrico Ventura.

Sadly Frankie was stillborn last November, and through the awful pain and sadness of losing him David was there every step of the way, visiting me on the ward at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital when he was born, baptising him, leading his funeral service and helping my husband and I through our grief.

He also led the funeral service of my father-in-law recently and again provided us with help and support when we needed it most.

Thank you David, I wish there were more lovely people like you in the world, you more than deserved to win the award. Well done.

Lisa Ventura
