Sir - Ben Williamson (Worcester News 25th June) press officer for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals must be congratulated for his ability to spin it's activities.

He claims the PETA animal shelter is in a poor area of Virginia USA. However official figures show incomes are similar to the rest of America.

Also the opulent waterfront headquarters of PETA and magnificent surroundings hardly look impoverished.

Mr Williamson avoids the clear fact PETA euthanised nearly 90% of the animals in their shelter during the year 2012- 2013. Other animal welfare organisation seemed able to care for and re-home 75 % or more.

With such a high kill rate some might consider it best PETA only operates one such establishment. His description of the slaughter of poultry for meat is totally misleading.

For what ever reason he completely fails to mentioning the process of stunning before humane despatch.

Mr Williamson maintains livestock farming is a major contributor to environmental problems. Undoutably true if the Amazon rain forest is being slashed and burnt but rearing chickens in Worcestershire is hardly a global disaster.

The planning application for this farm is decision for the council and people of Upton Snodsbury, not the London office of a multi million dollar American pressure group.

Jon Burgess
