Sir - It is becoming clearer every day why immigration continues to go up under this Conservative and Lib Dem Government , their leaders need foreigners to work for them as their servants. Cameron, Clegg, May et al all employ non UK citizens and Clegg even wants to go further and enable the families of non UK citizens to be allowed to come here far more easily.

In the meantime the rest have to suffer the consequences e.g pressure on school places, pressure on housing , having fewer job opportunities and paying benefits to foreigners out of our taxes.

We need to get back control of our borders and introduce an immigration system which ensures that immigrants cant come here willy nilly and are only given permission to do so on the basis that they bring benefit to the economy. I dont think there is any hope that this will happen under the Lib/Lab/Con alliance so vote for UKIP and protect the future of your families and children.

Mark Starr

Leigh Sinton